Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Surgery

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What is Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Surgery?

Laparoscopic surgical procedures cause less surgical stress and up to 65% less post-operative pain than a traditional open abdominal surgical procedure. This means less pain and a faster recovery for your pet.

Laparoscopic (keyhole) procedures are performed through two or three abdominal incisions that are 5-10mm in size. Enhanced visualisation of the organs due to the high-definition magnified views allows greater surgical precision. A 2-day period of post-operative lead rest is advised. There are over 50% fewer post-operative complications compared with other surgical techniques.

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What is a Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Spey?

This is an operation performed to "neuter" or desex the female animal by surgically removing the ovaries via “keyhole” surgery.     
Laparoscopic speys cause less surgical stress and up to 65% less post-operative pain than a traditional open surgical spey. This means less pain and a faster recovery for your pet.

Laparoscopic speys are performed through two or three abdominal incisions that are 5-10mm in size. Enhanced visualisation of the organs due to the high-definition magnified views allows greater surgical precision. For instance, the ovarian ligament is cauterised and cut, rather than torn. This minimises bleeding and pain. A 2-day period of post-operative lead rest is advised. There are over 50% less post-operative complications compared with other surgical techniques.

The main reason for performing this operation is to prevent the female animal from coming into season (on heat), consequently preventing her from having a litter.  It also reduces the risk of mammary gland cancer later in life.

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What is a Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Cryptorchid Castration?

This is an operation performed to "neuter" or desex the male dog by surgically removing a retained testicle via “keyhole” surgery and the external testicle as normal.     

Laparoscopic cryptorchid castrations cause less surgical stress and up to 65% less post-operative pain than a traditional open abdominal surgical cryptorchid castration. This means less pain and a faster recovery. Also, as the retained testicle is much smaller than the one in the scrotum, this testicle can be difficult to find during traditional surgery. Keyhole surgery increases visualisation making the testicle easier to find which lowers anaesthetic time. 

For the descended testicle, the skin and fascia are gently opened and the testicle is gently removed. A layer of absorbable stitches is placed internally. These stitches dissolve after healing. The skin is then closed with dissolving sutures under the skin.


What is a Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Gastropexy?

Gastropexy is performed to prophylactically prevent the lethal "twisting" of the stomach that can occur in large and deep-chested dogs during a "Gastric Dilation + Volvulus" (AKA "GDV") emergency.  The stomach is attached to the body wall to prevent this twisting.  It can still inflate and bloat but is not a life-threatening emergency. 





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